
Test your knowledge

Note on Tasks

Before completing the Tasks, please work through each of the sub-pages for Tutorial 5 as these will help complete the task below.

For the task below we will be using the following dataset:

Skoczylis, Joshua, 2021, "Extremism, Life Experiences and the Internet", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ICTI8T, Harvard Dataverse, Version 3.

Task 1: Reliability Analysis

Use a Reliability Analysis to create a Social Media Score. In the dataset you should find a set of variables that measures, towards the end measures online activity by Social Media (e.g. Facebook_Write).

Now Answer the following Questions:

Now that you have created a new variable, standardise the score. 

Finally, answer the following question:

Task 2: EFA / PCA

Using the same variables as above, use a EFA to create new Social Media variable(s). Answer the following:

Next: Tutorial 6 - Linear Regressions